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9 Ways to Prevent Tooth Decay effectively

Ways to Prevent Tooth Decay – Why Do You Still Get Cavities Despite Regular Brushing? – How to Prevent Tooth Decay ? : Cavities are a dental condition that can be prevented through daily oral hygiene and diet. However, many patients wonder why they still get cavities despite regular brushing.

Are cavities dangerous? If you also have this question, don’t skip the following article by BeDental. We will help you understand why you still get cavities despite regular brushing and provide you with the most effective ways to prevent tooth decay.

Are cavities dangerous?

Are cavities dangerous? Cavities are a dental disease caused by bacterial attacks that destroy the mineralized tissue on the teeth. If left untreated, bacteria will create small holes on the teeth. These cavities tend to expand over time and can lead to various dangerous complications.

The causes of cavities are diverse. It can be triggered by a combination of factors such as bacteria in the mouth, excessive sugar consumption, inadequate brushing or poor oral hygiene.

Almost everyone is at risk of developing cavities, from young children to the elderly. Therefore, you should not be complacent in preventing and stopping the development of cavities. This condition not only causes pain and discomfort but also poses serious risks such as sinusitis, permanent tooth loss, and more.

Ways to Prevent Tooth Decay
Are cavities dangerous ?

7 Reasons to Explain Why Teeth Still Get Cavities Despite Regular Brushing

Why do teeth still get cavities despite regular brushing? Many people have good oral hygiene habits, yet they still struggle with tooth decay. BeDental has also received numerous similar inquiries from customers through our support email.

So, what are the reasons behind getting cavities despite regular brushing? Here are 7 main causes for this phenomenon:

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Horizontal brushing habit

Indeed, tooth decay can be prevented through daily oral hygiene practices. However, improper brushing techniques can lead to the proliferation and strong growth of bacteria. One common mistake people make is brushing their teeth horizontally.

It is important to note that brushing teeth horizontally is completely incorrect, as this technique prevents the bristles from reaching deep into the interdental spaces. In this case, brushing back and forth only superficially cleans the surfaces without being able to access the narrow gaps between teeth. Furthermore, horizontal brushing can even increase the risk of gum disease, tooth sensitivity, and enamel erosion.

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Why Teeth Still Get Cavities Despite Regular Brushing ?

Using excessive force when brushing

Many people believe that brushing their teeth requires applying force to remove plaque and leftover food particles. Therefore, they use excessive force when brushing in the hope of breaking down the plaque and eliminating food debris.

However, this is a completely wrong mindset and can even have the opposite effect. Brushing your teeth with excessive force not only fails to remove food particles but also damages the gums or erodes the tooth enamel rapidly, leading to a range of unpredictable consequences.

Therefore, when brushing your teeth daily, brush gently and in the correct vertical motion. Additionally, brush from the inside to the outside, covering all surfaces of the teeth evenly. For each tooth position, tilt the toothbrush at a 45-degree angle to effectively touch the gum tissue.

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Brushing with cold water

Brushing your teeth regularly but still experiencing cavities may be due to using cold water while brushing. Many people have the habit of using cold water to brush their teeth. However, this is not beneficial because most toothpaste contains abrasive and fluoride ingredients. These substances only reach their maximum effectiveness at a temperature of around 37 degrees Celsius.

Therefore, brushing with cold water will not only reduce the cleansing effectiveness of the toothpaste but also have long-term effects on the tooth enamel. When the tooth enamel becomes weakened, the risk of cavities becomes inevitable.

Not using dental floss for interdental cleaning

It is not the surface of the teeth but the small gaps between the teeth that are often prone to food debris accumulation and cavities. These are the areas where food particles often get stuck and are difficult to remove during brushing. This creates a favorable environment for bacteria to thrive and cause rapid decay.

Therefore, according to the opinions of dentists, it is recommended to use dental floss for interdental cleaning. Give up the habit of using toothpicks as they not only cause tooth spacing but also gradually damage the tooth enamel.

Currently, there are various types of dental floss available, and you can purchase them at pharmacies. Use dental floss to clean the interdental spaces after each meal to prevent the development of cavities.

Soi chi nha khoa
Why Teeth Still Get Cavities Despite Regular Brushing ?

Not cleaning the tongue

Not cleaning the tongue is also one of the reasons why despite brushing regularly, teeth still develop cavities. Brushing alone is not enough to prevent the formation and strong development of tooth decay. You need to clean your tongue because it is an area that contains countless harmful bacteria.

On the tongue, food or small particles are easily trapped in the gaps between the taste buds on the surface of the tongue. This is also the reason why you should not forget to clean your tongue every day.

Neglecting to replace the toothbrush regularly

Even with regular brushing, tooth decay can still occur due to the habit of not replacing toothbrushes. According to a study in England, after about 3 months, a toothbrush will contain more than 10 million harmful bacteria.

In addition, the worn bristles of the toothbrush no longer guarantee the effectiveness of removing plaque and oral bacteria. There are even cases where bacteria on the bristles can be reinfected. Therefore, to prevent cavities, remember to schedule replacing your toothbrush every 3 months. In case of illness, replace your toothbrush immediately.

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Consuming a lot of sweet and acidic foods and drinks

Sweet and acidic foods are the leading cause of tooth decay because bacteria break down sugar into substances that attack tooth enamel at a faster rate than normal. In addition, acidic fruits have been proven to destroy tooth enamel faster than normal.

Therefore, you should better control the intake of these food groups in your daily diet.

9 Ways to prevent tooth decay from leading dental experts

Depending on each person’s oral condition, a dentist will provide effective ways to prevent tooth decay. Because for those who are already suffering from cavities, those who have not yet had cavities, or those who have had cavities before, there will be different methods to prevent tooth decay. Below is all the detailed information about preventing tooth decay that you should remember:

Pay attention to thorough hygiene of areas with cavities

Although brushing can prevent tooth decay, when cavities have already formed, prioritizing preventing the development of gaps is more important. It is known that plaque is the leading cause of stimulating bacterial growth and invading gaps, making the condition worse over time.

  • You need to focus on cleaning the area around the gaps to remove excess food, while inhibiting the development of cavities.
  • In addition, use a soft-bristled toothbrush and do not exert too much pressure when brushing. Move back and forth gently for at least 2 minutes.
  • Brush your teeth regularly and consistently, at least twice a day and after meals. Because once there is a cavity, plaque will form within 20 minutes after eating.

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Finding the cause of tooth decay for prevention

Tooth decay progresses slowly and can develop without symptoms. Therefore, you need to visit the dentist regularly to detect cavities:

  • If there are white spots on the teeth: It could be tooth decay or fluorosis, where acid has worn away the minerals of the teeth. At this time, you should intervene early to prevent more severe tooth decay.
  • Increased tooth sensitivity due to tooth decay attack.
  • Visible holes appearing on the teeth. You need to seek direct treatment from a dentist.

Permanent Tooth decay treatment and causes

Adhere to proper oral hygiene measures

To prevent tooth decay, you should practice good oral hygiene measures recommended by experts, such as:

  • Brush your teeth 2-3 times a day properly and replace your toothbrush every 3 months.
  • Interdental spaces are areas prone to plaque buildup. Therefore, use dental floss or interdental brushes instead of toothpicks for daily cleaning.
  • Use saline solution or mouthwash to clean your teeth and remove bacteria in the oral cavity. When harmful bacteria are reduced, cavities will be controlled and the risk of spreading to other teeth will be limited.
  • Pay extra attention to hygiene in areas with cavities and neighboring teeth. Typically, teeth numbered 6, 7, and 8 have unique shapes, characteristics, and hidden locations, making them harder to clean than regular teeth. Therefore, these are the teeth you should pay attention to.

Supplement Fluoride to prevent tooth decay

Fluoride is essential for oral health and tooth enamel. When tooth enamel weakens, tooth decay can attack and develop more aggressively towards the dentin and pulp. Therefore, you should supplement fluoride to prevent tooth decay.

Fluoride not only strengthens tooth enamel but also helps remineralize small cavities, enhancing the strength of tooth enamel. In addition, it accelerates the process of remineralization to prevent cavities from rapidly increasing in size.

To supplement fluoride, you can use fluoridated drinking water or table salt. Additionally, you can use fluoride toothpaste, mouthwash, or gel for application.

Supplement Fluoride to prevent tooth decay
Supplement Fluoride to prevent tooth decay

Maintain the habit of drinking plenty of water

Dry mouth is a favorable condition for excessive bacterial growth and tooth decay. For teeth that have already decayed, reduced saliva production will accelerate the rate of mineral destruction and increase the size of cavities between the teeth.

Therefore, to prevent tooth decay, you should maintain the habit of drinking 2-2.5 liters of water every day. Sufficient water intake not only helps maintain electrolyte balance but also stimulates saliva production to break down food particles, neutralize acid, clean plaque, and remineralize tooth enamel. Additionally, it effectively reduces toothache.

Use sugar-free chewing gum after each meal

Chewing sugar-free gum is one of the methods to prevent tooth decay. With its flexible and sticky texture, sugar-free gum helps clean residual food particles and prevents plaque formation. Additionally, chewing gum stimulates saliva production to neutralize acid from bacteria, naturally cleaning dental biofilm.

Limit sugar intake in your daily diet

Foods high in sugar such as cakes, candies, chocolates, jams, carbonated soft drinks, etc., contribute to plaque formation in the mouth. Therefore, to prevent rapid tooth decay, you should limit the consumption of sugary foods.

If necessary for sweetness, prioritize using honey, stevia, coconut sugar, etc., instead of cane sugar. Additionally, foods high in starch also increase harmful bacteria in the mouth, so remember to maintain proper oral hygiene after eating.

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Avoid using acidic and alcoholic beverages

Some types of beverages such as soda, carbonated soft drinks, bottled fruit juices, alcoholic beverages, etc., are harmful to oral health. The acid in these beverages not only erodes tooth enamel, causing tooth sensitivity and increasing the size of cavities, but also causes tooth discoloration.

Therefore, to prevent tooth decay, you should completely avoid or limit the consumption of these beverages to a minimum. Additionally, you can use a straw and position it towards the back of the throat to limit acid contact with tooth enamel. Also, rinse your mouth with water to neutralize acid and prevent its impact on tooth enamel.

Use natural ingredients to prevent tooth decay

To prevent tooth decay, you can consider using natural ingredients with antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and antiseptic properties to inhibit the growth of bacteria and prevent cavities from expanding.

Some natural ingredients that can help prevent tooth decay at home include aloe vera, clove essential oil, coconut oil, etc. Additionally, betel leaves, fresh ginger, betel nut leaves, etc., can also help prevent tooth decay.

These are effective and safe ways to prevent tooth decay that you can implement at home. However, for optimal disease control, it is recommended to seek reputable dental clinics like BeDental for comprehensive treatment. The skilled dental team at BeDental will help you treat deep-seated problems, preserve your teeth, and provide appropriate preventive measures.



Address 1: 7B Thi Sach St, Ngo Thi Nham, Hai Ba Trung Dist, Ha Noi. - 0934.61.9090
Address 2: 343 Tay Son St, Nga Tu So Ward, Dong Da Dist, Ha Noi. (Nga Tu So Cross) - 0934.61.9090
Address 3: CC2 Tower  Nguyen Huu Tho St, Dinh Cong Ward, Hoang Mai Dist, Ha Noi. (Inside True Hope ) - 0934.61.9090
Address 1: 53 -55 -57  Pho Duc Chinh St, Nguyen Thai Binh, Dist. 1, Ho Chi Minh. - 0766.00.8080
Address2: 25, City Land urban area, Go Vap Dist, Ho Chi Minh - 0766.00.8080
Working: 9am - 6pm everyday


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