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Horoscope of people with round faces, round face surgery – 8 things to note when creating a face without dead corners

Horoscope of people with round faces, round face surgery – 8 things to note when creating a face without dead corners. Round face surgery using a solution that does not select excess jawbone is a hot trend in the world. Some Asian countries stand out, and Vietnam is no different. A slim, elegant face is the desire of many people, but not everyone understands this aesthetic method thoroughly.

Many people still think physiognomy is a somewhat “metaphysical” and mysterious concept. .. not everyone has the ability to “look at people and judge their character and destiny”. Actually physiognomy is the science of identification based on Anthropometry.

Physiognomy is a method of observing an object, thereby determining its personality and making judgments about it. Physiognomy is formed on the basis of accumulated experience. Is an extremely large set of synthetic mathematics.

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What does physiognomy say about round faces? Cosmetic methods for round face to V Line face. Cosmetic surgery procedures for round faces

The face has a huge effect on a person’s personality or destiny. So what does the physiognomy of a round face indicate?

What does physiognomy say about round faces?

According to physiognomy, round-faced people have almost the same height and width. The jawbone is not clearly visible due to uneven cheekbones. People with round faces have a high nose bridge and look quite similar to children, also known as doll faces. People with round faces look older than their actual age and always exude innocence and purity.

The beauty standard of ancient Oriental people was a round, kind face, which expressed the desire to find a feeling of peace and serenity. They want to have a comfortable life in their souls, rather than having to pay a heavy price for money.

They prefer experiences that bring a lot of excitement, rather than choosing a rigid lifestyle to achieve a certain goal in life.

People with round faces belong to the group of psychic people. Looking at the shape of a round face says:



  • Female

Women with round faces want security, peace and do not like change. The ancients often said that a round face is kind. If translated literally, the round face includes two words: Phuc – symbolizes luck, prosperity and peace, Hau – means after, forever.

When understood in another sense, happiness is a later life with many advantages, luck and blessings.

People with round faces have a cheerful and likable personality, so they often get help from others. Most people with round faces often live positively and always try to move forward, so their personalities are very gentle and lovable.

They easily win sympathy at the first sight of others because of their somewhat childish personality, so they are loved and protected by many people.

Although the face looks somewhat older than its actual age, the personality of people with this face is very mature. They are smart, agile and flexible in their actions, are quite good at speaking and have skillful manners and good social relationships, so these are the most successful people.

They are gentle, kind and easily sympathize with others, so they are often taken advantage of by the opposite sex. Likes to be loved and acknowledged, so people cannot avoid being taken advantage of and betrayed.

Although they like to help others, their personalities are also somewhat impulsive and emotional, easily making people angry. Not being persistent, only working for a while gets bored, or gets distracted and distracted by the surrounding environment. Forgetfulness is also a weakness of such people.

  • Male

Men with round faces want to prove and show off their abilities in front of the crowd. As a person who strives to have success in his career, it makes many people dream.

Similar to women, men with round faces are cuter and more youthful, very sociable and friendly with everyone. Easily wins the sympathy of the opposite sex thanks to her pretty face.

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What does physiognomy say about round faces? Cosmetic methods for round face to V Line face. Cosmetic surgery procedures for round faces

They are careful in every gesture to not cause any mistakes. On the outside, they look a bit naive and thoughtless, but in reality, their hearts are full of calculations. The type of person who is neat, tidy and works with principles should easily achieve success in life.

Besides, they are somewhat hot-tempered and react quite harshly when angry, but quickly become happy again. Assertive, determined to live according to your own will, say whatever you like and sometimes offend people around you. If the personality is somewhat rigid, it is not easy to recognize sudden changes.


Men with round faces want to prove and show off their abilities in front of the crowd. As a person who strives to have success in his career, it makes many people dream.

Similar to women, men with round faces are cuter and more youthful, very sociable and friendly with everyone. Easily wins the sympathy of the opposite sex thanks to her pretty face.

They are careful in every gesture to not cause any mistakes. On the outside, they look a bit naive and thoughtless, but in reality, their hearts are full of calculations. The type of person who is neat, tidy and works with principles should easily achieve success in life.

Besides, they are somewhat hot-tempered and react quite harshly when angry, but quickly become happy again. Assertive, determined to live according to your own will, say whatever you like and sometimes offend people around you. If the personality is somewhat rigid, it is not easy to recognize sudden changes.


When looking at marriage fortune telling, people with this facial expression are often influenced by emotions and act spontaneously without control, easily causing arguments and making it difficult to maintain happiness. It’s easy to fall in love but difficult to get married. If you discover happiness in your life, you need to calm down and balance your emotions.

This is also a characteristic of the type of women who have a high need for “sex”. If you are looking for your true partner and building a lasting, long-term relationship together, this will be the optimal choice.

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Xem tuong mat hinh tron khuon mat tre con ma tinh cach rat nguoi lon
What does physiognomy say about round faces? Cosmetic methods for round face to V Line face. Cosmetic surgery procedures for round faces

A girl with a round face should marry a man with a square or angular face, that would be reasonable. If you marry a man with a square or angular face, your family life will be extremely happy and warm. Both of your jobs, destiny and children will go much smoother.

Discuss the fate of round faces

Women with large round faces but missing facial features.

Women with this trait, although their parents took very good care of them when they were children, but when they grow up, they face difficulties in their love life. On the contrary, if the five senses are perfect, you will become an intelligent person.

The meaning of a round face combined with a thin body, dull eyes, and weak complexion.

Looking at the physiognomy, women with the above characteristics are easily lustful, rarely become rich quickly, and are often destined for hardship and trouble.

The face is round and plump, the eyes are large, the lower abdomen is long, and there are many reactions.

Although they have the above features, these people are also quite gentle and have an average level of education. They can only build a career at a moderate level, but their features are extremely successful.

The elongated face is covered with phoenix-shaped scales, with a beautiful middle pavilion.

Thuong Dinh refers to the forehead from the top of the hairline down to the eyebrows, while lower Dinh refers to the face from the temple at the bottom of the head down to the chin. The two unbalanced features combine dark and curved eyebrows, a high head, long and narrow eyes, a long and wide round neck, small shoulders, and a straight back. Possessing all of the above features can be called a great auspicious face. However, if there are only a few pretty features, even if not great, they are still the face of a noble lady.

Is it possible to have cosmetic surgery for a round face?

A round face can be completely improved by artificial beautification. With advanced technology, designing a slim v-line face model is simple, all disadvantages can be easily handled.

After a health check and investigation of all aspects, the dentist will intervene in rough, horizontal areas on the face. A part of the chin and jawbone that is not in harmony cannot be chosen to create a properly harmonious v-line.

Cosmetic methods for round face to V Line face

There are two most commonly used cosmetic techniques to build facial image: the anatomy of the horizontal branch of the jaw bone or the angle of the jaw bone.

One of these two areas is trimmed and the excess is removed to create a delicate, even line for the face.

For the group of subjects whose face is too rough, it is not because of the large jawbone but because of the short length and horizontal beam that requires the use of chin reshaping surgery. After the procedure, the chin becomes slimmer, enhancing the sharpness of the entire face.

Cosmetic surgery procedures for round faces

Round face surgery cosmetic solution is performed according to the following steps:

Step 1: general health check

Customers who need round face surgery come for a health check and receive advice from a specialist. Consumers express the facial shape they wish to have immediately.

If you have any questions about surgery, you can ask your doctor for answers.

Step 2: perform x-rays and investigate health background

Before surgery, a general health assessment is a must. Taking x-rays of the jawbone position helps dentists confirm the choice to cut a larger or smaller proportion of the jawbone.

Step 3: anesthesia

To reduce the anxiety and discomfort of the client, the dentist administers light anesthesia. All anesthetic operations occur in accordance with the standards of the authorities, so they are stable and support the surgical process to proceed smoothly.

Step 4: do round face surgery

The dentist performs cutting at the jawbone position, aligning it to best suit the chin shape. For some people with high cheekbones, cheekbone reduction technology will be applied.

After completing the surgical procedure, the patient achieved the facial appearance of his dream.

Step 5: post-operative travel

After surgery, the body needs time to recover, so guests will sleep 1 night at the cosmetic premise to be observed by dentists.

The beauty facility provides full meals and clean rooms to bring the most comfortable feeling

Step 6: re-examine according to appointment

Before leaving, the doctor advised the patient to schedule a follow-up examination and note a few important things related to diet and wound care.

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Ưu điểm khi thẩm mỹ mặt tròn thành mặt V Line
What does physiognomy say about round faces? Cosmetic methods for round face to V Line face. Cosmetic surgery procedures for round faces

During follow-up visits, the doctor checks whether the client’s face has recovered according to estimates.

Advantages of surgery to create a round face into a V Line face

V Line facial plastic surgery has the following outstanding advantages:

  – The face achieves harmony, balance, slimness, and fashion.

  – The incision is skillfully performed in the oral cavity without leaving post-operative scars.

  – No need to cut stitches, reducing travel costs and effort for customers.

  – Results are maintained well, with no unexpected complications.

Is round face removal painful? Is it dangerous?

The entire face reduction surgery procedure takes place in the oral cavity so it only affects the jaw bone.

Therefore, it does not affect any nerves or tissue, minimizing pain.

During surgery, the doctor will administer gentle anesthesia and the patient will not feel any discomfort. Post-operatively, patients are given painkillers to control pain.

Jaw surgery uses the most advanced technology to cause no pain during the treatment process. This method has gone through many steps of evaluation and testing and has been certified for safety by the FDA and the Ministry of World Health.

Cases of post-operative complications are due to operations performed at illegal, poor-quality establishments.

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Time and cost of round face surgery

After surgery, facial swelling will subside within 7 to 10 days. For the face to achieve the most stability and harmony, it takes 1 to 3 months.

The specific timeline also depends on factors such as: implementation facility, doctor’s skills, each person’s constitution and care process.

Each address provides services with different quality and prices. Round face surgery package cost starts from 70,000,000 VND/case.

Notes after cosmetic surgery for round faces

After round face surgery, customers should note the following to help the recovery process go as quickly as possible:

  – Cleanliness: The oral cavity should be disinfected regularly. Especially the position where the V Line jaw surgery has just been performed.

Do not use a hard toothbrush to scrub vigorously. You can replace it with regular mouthwash. The first few days should use physiological saline to disinfect and prevent infection. After eating, rinse your mouth with warm water 3 times a day.

  – Apply ice to relieve pain: If you feel pain or discomfort, customers can put ice cubes in a towel or bag and apply cold compresses within 2 days after surgery.

Apply hot compresses starting from day 3. You can take painkillers according to your doctor’s prescription. Do not buy medicine from outside on your own.

Cosmetic surgery procedures for round faces
What does physiognomy say about round faces? Cosmetic methods for round face to V Line face. Cosmetic surgery procedures for round faces

  – Eat lightly: The surgery process directly affects the jaw bone area, so in the first 7 days you need to have a reasonable diet. Use soft foods such as soups, soups, smoothies. .. limit pressure on the jaw angle.

  – Nutrition: Avoid using foods that can cause scarring such as sticky rice, boiled eggs, tomatoes. .. until the wound heals completely. Do not use alcoholic or carbonated beverages or smoke.

  – Note on operations: Do not let your hands impact or touch the newly operated area. Avoid playing highly competitive sports and vigorous exercise.



Address 1: 7B Thi Sach St, Ngo Thi Nham, Hai Ba Trung Dist, Ha Noi. - 0934.61.9090
Address 2: 343 Tay Son St, Nga Tu So Ward, Dong Da Dist, Ha Noi. (Nga Tu So Cross) - 0934.61.9090
Address 3: CC2 Tower  Nguyen Huu Tho St, Dinh Cong Ward, Hoang Mai Dist, Ha Noi. (Inside True Hope ) - 0934.61.9090
Address 1: 53 -55 -57  Pho Duc Chinh St, Nguyen Thai Binh, Dist. 1, Ho Chi Minh. - 0766.00.8080
Address2: 25, City Land urban area, Go Vap Dist, Ho Chi Minh - 0766.00.8080
Working: 9am - 6pm everyday
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