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Running a fever due to toothache and what you should know

 Running a fever due to toothache?? Let’s find out in the following article and how Bedental Dentists in Vietnam handle it .
Fever when experiencing toothache
Fever when experiencing toothache

Running a fever due to toothache and causes

There are many causes that can lead to fever when experiencing toothache. In fact, this phenomenon can occur at any age, not just in children. Therefore, it is important to equip yourself with knowledge about fever when experiencing toothache in order to have timely treatment methods.

Here are some common causes that can lead to fever when experiencing toothache:

Severe gum inflammation (periodontitis) can cause swelling and accompanied by toothache and fever. The immune system is weakened during this time, and bacteria from pus and oral bacteria can attack the body, resulting in fever. Signs of gum inflammation include swollen and red gums, severe pain, and in some cases, pus discharge.

If these symptoms are accompanied by fever, it is very likely that the fever is a complication of gum inflammation.

The most common cause of fever when experiencing toothache is dental caries (tooth decay). If dental caries is not treated early, it can cause damage to the pulp, leading to high fever or headaches. Dental caries can occur in both adults and children. It causes aching in the affected tooth area and intermittent fevers, which can be very uncomfortable. Some cases may also experience headaches.

Untreated dental caries or broken teeth that are not filled in time can lead to pulpitis, making the patient feel sharp pain when eating or touching the pulp. The more severe the inflammation, the more severe the symptoms, leading to high fever.

This can be considered a more severe symptom of dental caries causing fever. Teeth that have had untreated dental caries for a long time can act as a source of recurring fevers at any time.

Tooth impaction is a result of the development of pulpitis, from gum inflammation, root inflammation, etc. In addition to pain and fever, there may also be symptoms such as bleeding, swelling, unpleasant odor due to pus pockets. These pockets contain harmful bacteria, leading to infection and causing severe fevers.

The eruption of wisdom teeth can also cause fever when the teeth grow in misaligned or impacted positions, causing high fevers and pus in the eruption area. Normally, the eruption of wisdom teeth will cause a fever, accompanied by gum pain and pain in the surrounding teeth.

In some cases, impacted or misaligned wisdom teeth can cause toothache in the affected area without the presence of the wisdom teeth being visible. At this time, the impacted wisdom teeth are exerting strong pressure on the jaw and surrounding teeth, causing pain and high fever.

The impact of fever when experiencing toothache on health

Fever when experiencing toothache can have negative effects on a person’s health. Here are some main impacts of fever when experiencing toothache:

  • Fatigue and decreased activity ability: Fever when experiencing toothache is often accompanied by symptoms of fatigue, weakness, and decreased energy. This can make it difficult for you to perform daily activities and can affect work and study performance.
  • Reduced sleep quality: Fever when experiencing toothache can cause difficulty in sleeping, making sleep uncomfortable and not deep enough. This can result in fatigue and increase the sensation of toothache.
  • Impact on the immune system: Fever when experiencing toothache is a body’s response to bacteria causing inflammation and infection in the mouth. The proliferation of bacteria and infection can impact the body’s immune system, making you more susceptible to illness and less able to fight against other diseases.
  • Psychological impact: Fever when experiencing toothache can cause discomfort, pain, and anxiety. It can lead to loss of concentration, discomfort in daily activities, and can affect your overall mood.
  • Potential complications: If not treated promptly, fever when experiencing toothache can cause serious complications such as sinusitis, meningitis, and septicemia. This can be life-threatening and requires immediate medical intervention.

Therefore, properly and timely managing fever when experiencing toothache is crucial to protect your overall health and prevent potential complications.

What to do when experiencing fever due to toothache?

What should you do when experiencing fever due to toothache? Seek early treatment to avoid serious complications to your health, such as tooth loss, infection, etc. The treatment approach will vary depending on the cause, so it is important to consult with a dentist.

Nên làm gì khi bị sốt vì đau răng
What to do when experiencing fever due to toothache?
  • Clean dental plaque

If the cause of the fever when experiencing toothache is gum inflammation, the first thing to do is to remove the buildup at the base of the tooth. This is the accumulation of long-standing bacteria, which must be removed to reduce the inflammation.

Go to the nearest dental clinic to have the buildup removed. This not only helps to keep your mouth clean and fresh, but also helps to prevent gum inflammation and fever caused by toothache.

  • Removing abscess

When you have a fever and suspect it is caused by toothache, check the area around the affected tooth for the presence of pus pockets. If there are, this is the cause of the fever.

Pus pockets contain a lot of bacteria, so they must be cleaned before any treatment methods are applied. This is usually done in cases of tooth impaction or inflammation.

Do not attempt to remove the abscess yourself at home. Go to a reputable dental clinic, where the dentists will examine and have a safe and hygienic method to remove the abscess, ensuring no dangerous complications are left behind.

  • Filling the tooth

Fever caused by deep tooth decay can persist for several days. Taking pain relievers will not be effective, as the cause of this condition is the decayed tooth. At this point, what you need to do is to have the tooth filled when it is severely decayed or broken to prevent bacterial attacks.

The smaller the hole or fracture, the easier it is to fill. This not only helps to stop the fever, but also effectively protects your teeth.

  • Root canal treatment

If a tooth is deeply decayed for a long time without treatment, the pulp can become inflamed or die. This is the cause of the fever when experiencing toothache. At this point, you need to see a dentist to have the pulp cleaned to prevent bacterial attacks and infections. This is an important step before performing dental fillings or crowns and using treatment medications.

  • Wisdom tooth extraction

Wisdom teeth can also be the cause of fever and toothache. In cases where the wisdom tooth grows correctly, you can take antibiotics prescribed by the dentist or take fever-reducing medications if you do not want to extract the tooth. If the wisdom tooth grows misaligned and disrupts the alignment of the jaw, you need to see a dentist to have the wisdom tooth extracted.

Note that you should not attempt to extract the wisdom tooth at home. Wisdom tooth extraction is very important, especially with impacted wisdom teeth. Improper tooth extraction, unclean tooth socket, or poor hygiene can leave behind dangerous complications that you cannot anticipate.

  • Western medicine

To temporarily stop the fever caused by toothache, you can use pain relievers and fever reducers in the correct dosage as instructed by your doctor. However, this is only a temporary solution. Take some time to see a dentist for a thorough examination to determine the exact cause of your fever when experiencing toothache.

Nên làm gì khi bị sốt vì đau răng. Running a fever due to toothache
What to do when experiencing fever due to toothache?

Preventing toothache-related fever

Those who have experienced the feeling of toothache causing a fever certainly do not want it to happen again. To prevent this, you need to have a proper lifestyle and oral care routine.

In general, you need to maintain and take care of your oral hygiene, supplement your body with sufficient vitamins and minerals. Have a scientific and healthy diet, avoiding eating excessively hard foods that can erode or crack your teeth.

Limit sweet and starchy foods. These are the favorite foods of harmful bacteria for the oral cavity but can easily cause tooth decay

Therefore, you should minimize the consumption of these foods to reduce toothache. Instead, supplement your diet with foods rich in calcium, vitamins, etc., for strong and healthy teeth.

Proper oral hygiene is also one of the ways to prevent fever from toothache. Proper oral care includes:

  • Brushing your teeth at least twice a day, in the morning and evening.
  • Do not brush your teeth immediately after eating.
  • Replace your toothbrush regularly, every 2-3 months; or replace it immediately when you notice that the brush is worn out or bristles are frayed.
  • Use toothpaste that contains a lot of fluoride and calcium for stronger teeth.

Regular dental check-ups are the best way to detect oral problems early. From there, timely treatment can be provided to avoid serious conditions. You should have a dental check-up every 6 months to receive timely dental care solutions and interventions.

Expert Dental Care for Toothaches and Fever Relief at Bedental Dentists in Vietnam

Bedental dentists in Vietnam are highly skilled and experienced in handling toothaches accompanied by fever. They understand the urgency and discomfort that come with this condition, and they prioritize providing immediate and effective relief to their patients.

With their expertise in dental care, they are able to accurately diagnose the underlying cause of the toothache and fever, whether it be gum inflammation, abscess, deep tooth decay, or impacted wisdom tooth. Bedental dentists employ safe and hygienic methods to remove any buildup or abscess, ensuring that no dangerous complications are left behind. They also offer treatments such as tooth fillings, root canal procedures, and wisdom tooth extractions when necessary.

With their modern dental technology and up-to-date knowledge, Bedental dentists in Vietnam are committed to providing the highest quality care to alleviate toothaches and fevers, ensuring the overall oral health and well-being of their patients.

Hopefully, through this article, Bedental has helped you understand the causes of fever when experiencing toothache and What to do when experiencing fever due to toothache . You have also learned  how to take care of your oral health to prevent oral problems.

Visit Bedental dental clinic to be advised by dentists, receive examinations and treatments with the most modern and safest dental technology available today. Bedental is honored to serve and take care of your oral health!



Address 1: 7B Thi Sach St, Ngo Thi Nham, Hai Ba Trung Dist, Ha Noi. - 0934.61.9090
Address 2: 343 Tay Son St, Nga Tu So Ward, Dong Da Dist, Ha Noi. (Nga Tu So Cross) - 0934.61.9090
Address 3: CC2 Tower  Nguyen Huu Tho St, Dinh Cong Ward, Hoang Mai Dist, Ha Noi. (Inside True Hope ) - 0934.61.9090
Address 1: 53 -55 -57  Pho Duc Chinh St, Nguyen Thai Binh, Dist. 1, Ho Chi Minh. - 0766.00.8080
Address2: 25, City Land urban area, Go Vap Dist, Ho Chi Minh - 0766.00.8080
Working: 9am - 6pm everyday
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