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What is porcelain crown without tooth grinding? What is the price of porcelain crowns without grinding?

With the traditional porcelain crown method, tooth pulp grinding is required, making people worry that it will affect future oral health. Up to now, the non-grinding porcelain tooth crown option has been created, in order to minimize the effects on real teeth.

So what is porcelain crowns without tooth grinding? Should porcelain teeth be made without grinding or not? What is the price of porcelain crowns without grinding? Where to get porcelain crowns without tooth grinding? Let’s find out with BeDental through the article below!

What is a porcelain crown without tooth grinding?

What is a porcelain crown without tooth grinding? Non-grinding porcelain crowns, also known as porcelain veneers. With this technique, the doctor will cover the teeth with an ultra-thin porcelain surface (no more than 0.5 mm) with a design and color similar to real teeth. Guaranteed to fix defects and bring a new look to teeth.

With the strong development of the dental industry, more and more modern techniques are being born, bringing efficiency, as well as contributing to better protecting customers’ oral health. Prominent among them is the porcelain tooth bonding technique that does not require grinding.

See more: Dental Implants and Dental Bridges: What is the difference?

Unlike the traditional porcelain crown method, the doctor needs to grind the teeth a lot. After porcelain veneers, only sand the outside of the tooth, just enough to eliminate bacteria, plaque and create a strong adhesion on the porcelain surface.

Porcelain bonding technique helps real teeth to be optimally protected, without negative effects on tooth enamel and the teeth inside. At the same time, it does not cause excessive sensitivity or pain for customers with sensitive teeth.

In addition to the advantage of not needing to grind teeth, porcelain veneers are also favored by customers thanks to their high durability, absolute translucency and high hardness.

Can you get porcelain crowns without grinding your teeth?

When getting porcelain crowns, the teeth will be ground down to reduce the size of the tooth pulp before the porcelain crown is removed. Many customers worry about whether porcelain crowns can be done without tooth grinding.

According to doctors, tooth grinding is a mandatory step when getting porcelain crowns, because in essence, this technique is a method in which the doctor will use a new porcelain crown to cover the damaged part of the tooth that needs to be restored. Only when the real tooth pulp is ground down at a reasonable, pre-calculated rate will there be enough space to install the new porcelain tooth so that it fits tightly, has high aesthetics, and is not afraid of bulging or misalignment causing complications. bad.

Bọc răng sứ không mài
What is a porcelain crown without tooth grinding? What is the price of porcelain crowns without grinding? Does porcelain crown grinding have any effect?

However, for teeth that are discolored, unaesthetic, or severely broken, there is also a porcelain coating method that reduces the rate of tooth grinding to a minimum and preserves real teeth as much as possible when needing restoration by using veneers. porcelain veneer.

With ultra-thin porcelain veneers, with a thickness of about 0.5 to 0.6 mm, although it does not require a lot of teeth grinding, this method can still improve defects and bring a new look to the molars.

Does porcelain crown grinding have any effect?

Teeth grinding with proper technique will ensure restoration results and minimize the effects on real teeth. However, in reality, there are also many unreliable dental clinics, doctors with poor skills and insufficient equipment, so they grind teeth too much, causing tooth damage and pain during the procedure. Not to mention, these addresses often use poor quality porcelain teeth, leading to poor restoration results.

That’s why if you want to safely grind porcelain-covered teeth as well as get real restoration results, you need to pay attention to learn and choose to have the service performed at reputable addresses.

At reputable locations such as Bedental Dental, customers will have X-rays taken to analyze the structure and calculate the appropriate proportions before placing porcelain.

At that time, the teeth will be ground in the right proportion, limited to a sufficient area to cover the tooth surface with porcelain properly and accurately without affecting the tooth structure or pulp. In addition, doctors also use new generation grinding machines so the operation is relatively fast, without any sensitivity or pain during and after the procedure.

See more: Loose teeth and the 3 most common causes

In case of applying porcelain crowns without grinding

With the advantages of improving good aesthetics and optimally preserving real teeth, the porcelain veneer option will certainly be trusted and chosen by many customers. However, not all cases use this option well.

Porcelain crowns that do not require grinding are only really effective in the following cases:

  • Teeth are yellow and slightly contaminated with antibiotics.
  • Teeth are widely spaced, the distance between teeth is not too large.
  • Teeth have minor chips and cracks.
  • Teeth are moderately misaligned.
  • Enamel dysplastic teeth.
Bọc răng sứ không mài
What is a porcelain crown without tooth grinding? What is the price of porcelain crowns without grinding? Does porcelain crown grinding have any effect?

In cases of severely discolored teeth, or broken teeth of more than 2/3 of the tooth crown, severely crowded teeth, or severely misaligned teeth. .. Porcelain crowns will not cover up the above disadvantages. Customers need to listen to the doctor’s advice and choose another more reasonable option.

Should porcelain teeth be made without grinding or not?

Should porcelain teeth be made without grinding or not? Any cosmetic option that affects health, customers need to go to the dentist for a thorough examination, and decide whether it is appropriate or not.

Same with the porcelain veneer method, customers should only proceed after the dentist has examined the tooth condition and given appropriate indications for porcelain veneers. This will ensure effective restoration and safety for future oral health.

See more: Cost of Zirconia crowns/veneers: Ranging between $800 and $1,500.

If customers can have porcelain veneers, there will be many outstanding advantages as follows:

When applying porcelain veneers, there will be no need to extract teeth and will not affect the pulp. Thanks to that, the feeling of sensitivity and discomfort after braces will be minimized.

Porcelain veneers only grind the outer surface of the teeth and do not affect the real tooth structure. So the original teeth are always healthy and customers no longer have to worry about their teeth becoming weaker over the years.

Even though it is only a thin ceramic plate, the porcelain surface still withstands extremely large chewing forces and is not abraded by the acidic environment in the oral cavity.

Crafted entirely from pure porcelain, it is very safe and does not cause irritation to gums and teeth.

The thin porcelain surface creates a softer, more comfortable feeling for the teeth and has a variety of tooth colors to choose from.

What is the price of porcelain crowns without grinding?

What is the price of porcelain crowns without grinding? The issue that customers are always most concerned about is still the price of unpolished porcelain crowns. Normally, the price will be different between each dental clinic, because the ceramic material, the performing doctor, and the equipment will also be different. However, the general price of reputable dentists will not differ too much.

At Bedental Dental Clinic, the price list of porcelain veneers will be public and transparent, making it easy for customers to follow as follows:

Danh mụcGiá thành
1. Phục hình tháo lắp - (Tìm hiểu thêm...)
Removable Denture (More detail...)
Giá Hàm nền nhựa thường
Conventional Denture (More detail...)
(1 hàm)4.000.000
~ 157$
Giá Hàm nền nhựa dẻo
Flexible acrylic partial denture
(1 hàm)5.500.000
~ 216$
Giá Hàm khung kim loại thường
Cast metal partial denture
(1 hàm)4.500.000
~ 177$
Giá Hàm khung Titan
Titanium partial denture
(1 hàm)6.000.000
~ 236$
2. Răng giả (Tìm hiểu thêm...)
False teeth
Giá Răng giả hàm tháo lắp nhựa nội
Acrylic resin teeth -made in Vietnam
( 1 răng)350.000
~ 14$
Giá Răng giả hàm tháo lắp nhựa Mỹ
Acrylic resin teeth -made in USA
( 1 răng)600.000
~ 24$
Giá Răng giả hàm tháo lắp sứ
Porcelain teeth backed with metal
( 1 răng)1.800.000
~ 71$
Máng nâng khớp
Denture occlúion
~ 39$
3. Phục hình cố định :
Non-removable denture
Giá Sứ kim loại (Tìm hiểu thêm...)
Porcelain teeth backed with metal
Giá Răng sứ kim loại thường (Ni,Cr)
Porcelain teeth backed with metal (Ni,Cr)
~ 71$
Giá Răng sứ kim loại Vivadent france (Cr,Co)
Porcelain teeth backed with metal Vivadent France (Cr,Co)
~ 71$
Giá Răng sứ kim loại Jelenko USA ( Cr, Co)
Porcelain teeth backed with metal Jelenko USD (Cr,Co)
~ 79$
Giá Răng sứ kim loại titan
Porcelain teeth backed with titanium
~ 138$
Giá Sứ không kim loại : (Tìm hiểu thêm)
Non-metal Teeth
Giá Răng sứ Katana (bảo hành 7 năm)
Porcelain Veneer Katana from Japan
~ 138$
Giá Răng sứ Venus ( bảo hành 7 năm) (Tìm hiểu thêm...)
Porcelain Veneer Venus from Germany (More detail...)
~ 157$
Giá Răng sứ Roland ( bảo hành 10 năm) (Tìm hiểu thêm...)
Porcelain Veneer Roland from Germany (More detail...)
~ 189$
Giá Răng sứ Roland HD (bảo hành 10 năm) (Tìm hiểu thêm...)
Porcelain Veneer Roland HD from Germany
~ 232$
Giá Răng sứ Ceramill (bảo hành 10 năm)(Tìm hiểu thêm...)
Porcelain Veneer Ceramil from Germany
~ 236$
Giá Răng sứ Emax Nanoceramics ( bảo hành 15 năm)
Porcelain Veneer Emax from Germany
~ 275$
Giá Răng sứ HTsmile (Bảo hành 15 năm) (Tìm hiểu thêm...)
Porcelain Veneer Htsmile from Germany (More detail...)
~ 275$
Giá Răng sứ Emax* Press Lithium Disilicate (Bảo hành 15 năm) (Tìm hiểu thêm...)
Porcelain Veneer Emax press from Germany (More detail...)
~ 314$
Giá Răng sứ Cercon (Bảo hành 15 năm) (Tìm hiểu thêm...)
Porcelain Veneer Cercon from Germany (More detail...)
~ 275$
Giá Răng sứ Nacera Pearl Shade ( bảo hành 10 năm)
Porcelain Veneer Nacera from Germany
~ 393$
Giá Răng sứ Lava 3M Premium Plus ( bảo hành 15 năm) (Tìm hiểu thêm...)
Porcelain Veneer Lava 3M Plus from USA (More detail...)
~ 354$
Giá Răng sứ Lava Esthentics ( bảo hành 15 năm)
Porcelain Veneer 3M Lava Esthetic from USA
~ 472$
Giá Răng sứ Lisi Press (bảo hành 15 năm) (Tìm hiểu thêm...)
Porcelain Veneer Lisi from Japan (More detail...)
~ 472$
Giá Răng sứ kim cương (Bảo hành trọn đời)
Porcelain Veneer Diamond from USA
16.000.000 ~ 629$

Those who are suitable for non-grinding porcelain crowns

Porcelain Veneer is a porcelain tooth restoration solution that is highly rated for its effectiveness, but not everyone is suitable for it.

According to recommendations, dental veneers are indicated for adults over 18 years old in the following cases:

– Teeth contaminated with fluoride or Tetracycline (an antibiotic).

– Small chipped tooth.

– Teeth are gapped.

– Teeth grow unevenly but at an average level.

– Bad tooth color, tooth enamel surface is not shiny, has holes or is abraded.

– People who want to change their smile and tooth color.

Where to get porcelain crowns without tooth grinding?

BeDental cosmetic dentistry was born in 2012. After a period of operation, the center quickly became a reputable address providing dental services to customers and is one of the leading dentists in the field of dentistry. cosmetic department.

With a team of experienced medical experts and doctors, advanced equipment systems, modern technology, BeDental cosmetic dentistry has taken steady steps on the path to becoming a cosmetic dentistry center in Vietnam. Vietnam.

What is a porcelain crown without tooth grinding?
What is a porcelain crown without tooth grinding? What is the price of porcelain crowns without grinding? Does porcelain crown grinding have any effect?

BeDental was born with the mission “Sow a smile, spread success”, we believe that everyone deserves to have a confident and attractive smile. That’s why we always strive to remove the problems and barriers that are hiding your beautiful, radiant smile. Above all we believe that strong teeth are the foundation of a happy life and a smile is the key to success.

BeDental is constantly striving to become a leading enterprise in the field of cosmetic dentistry, especially porcelain dental restorations in Vietnam with a strategy focusing on developing high technology and updating trends and techniques. modern art.

With a team of Vietnam’s leading cosmetic doctors in the dental field, BeDental always brings dedication, devotion and dedication to customers like their own family. BeDental is a reputable and professional cosmetic dentistry system with many facilities in large city centers to help customers move conveniently.

Along with that is a modern equipment system imported from foreign countries, certified as safe by the Ministry of Health. 5-star facilities provide customers with a relaxing and secure space when experiencing the service.

See more: Best Dental Clinics Near Me in Hanoi



Address 1: 7B Thi Sach St, Ngo Thi Nham, Hai Ba Trung Dist, Ha Noi. - 0934.61.9090
Address 2: 343 Tay Son St, Nga Tu So Ward, Dong Da Dist, Ha Noi. (Nga Tu So Cross) - 0934.61.9090
Address 3: CC2 Tower  Nguyen Huu Tho St, Dinh Cong Ward, Hoang Mai Dist, Ha Noi. (Inside True Hope ) - 0934.61.9090
Address 1: 53 -55 -57  Pho Duc Chinh St, Nguyen Thai Binh, Dist. 1, Ho Chi Minh. - 0766.00.8080
Address2: 25, City Land urban area, Go Vap Dist, Ho Chi Minh - 0766.00.8080
Working: 9am - 6pm everyday

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