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Why Does Eating Candy Cause Tooth Cavity?

Eating Candy Cause Tooth Cavity. When we eat a lot of sweets, if we do not clean our teeth, it will lead to tooth decay. There are many opinions that eating candy causes tooth decay. Is that true? Please follow the article below to learn the causes of tooth decay when eating candy.

What is tooth decay?

What is tooth decay? Tooth decay is a phenomenon in which bacteria penetrate tooth enamel, destroying tooth enamel, causing pain. As tooth decay becomes more serious, the cavities will spread and become broken and chipped. Over time, it leads to pulpitis and tooth root loss.

The final stage of tooth decay is when bacteria penetrate the tip of the tooth. If not treated promptly, the bacteria will enter the bloodstream and cause a blood infection.

The bacteria that causes tooth decay is Streptococcus. When starch and sugar stick to teeth, plaque is created. Plaque comes into contact with bacteria and ferments, turning into acid that erodes tooth enamel.

Eating Candy Cause Tooth Cavity
What is tooth decay? Why are children susceptible to tooth decay when eating candy? How to prevent baby from eating candy with tooth decay

Why does eating candy cause tooth cavity?

Why does eating candy cause tooth decay? Sweet foods such as cakes, candy… contain a lot of sugar, so eating too much will affect your health. Candy such as lollipops, chewing gum, hard candy… all contain high sugar content. Sugar in candy and sweets is not the cause of tooth decay but is just an ingredient that can cause tooth decay.


Because bacteria cause tooth decay.

Streptococcus bacteria come into contact with sugar and starch plaque… Turning plaque into acid that destroys tooth enamel. Causes teeth to break and chip, creating empty cavities.

Because of eating candy.

After eating candy…a plaque formed from bacteria and saliva will stick to the mouth. Plaque will accumulate and increase over time. Thereby, bacteria will erode teeth and form tiny holes in teeth. This is the first stage of tooth decay.

Due to plaque.

Plaque is now a mixture of acids and a protective layer for bacteria. This acid mixture can be so strong that it penetrates the enamel layer to the dentin layer and spreads to the pulp layer.

The dental pulp contains many blood vessels and nerves. So when you have pulpitis, you will feel long-lasting, dull pain that can spread to your ears or head. Besides, the jawbone that supports the teeth also becomes sensitive and uncomfortable.

scaling root planing

Due to sugary foods.

Not only candy, other products containing sugar can still be a part of the cause of tooth decay. But because the sugar content in candy is high and not cleaned thoroughly, it sticks to the teeth.

Creates conditions for bacteria to damage tooth enamel. Other foods such as yogurt or ice cream can be easily removed with clean water. Particularly for hard candies and mouth fresheners, they are likely to get stuck in between teeth before being completely dissolved.

In young children, tooth structure will be softer and weaker than in adults. Especially in young children who have not yet replaced their baby teeth. The enamel layers on baby teeth will be softer and thinner than on permanent teeth, so they are susceptible to tooth decay.

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Why are children susceptible to tooth decay when eating candy?

When children are young, their tooth and jaw structures are not fully developed. The enamel layer is still thin and weak, if not carefully cared for, it will cause tooth decay. Some causes of tooth decay when children eat candy are:

Brushing teeth incorrectly.

Children will be instructed by their parents or teachers on how to brush their teeth and take care of their teeth. If children do not brush their teeth properly or do not brush their teeth twice a day, it will create conditions for bacteria to grow.

Due to mother’s influence.

If during pregnancy, the mother has tooth decay, it will affect the baby’s absorption of calcium. That will cause the baby to be born with weak teeth that are easily affected by bacteria.

The baby who ate candy got tooth decay

The tooth surface contains billions of microorganisms that cannot be seen with the naked eye. Confectionery contains large amounts of sugar such as sucrose, glucose, fructose or maltose… When a large amount of sugar is absorbed into the body. Bacteria in the oral cavity will absorb those sugars and turn them into acids and destroy tooth enamel.

Besides, foods containing a lot of sugar or starch such as porridge, milk powder… are also ingredients that can cause tooth decay.

If after eating a lot of starch and sugar, children’s teeth are not cleaned properly and they will develop tooth decay.

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5 ways to deal with tooth decay when eating a lot of candy

When you eat a lot of candy and get tooth decay, you can solve the tooth decay situation by reducing the pain at home using folk methods. In addition, you can completely treat it by going to a dental facility to treat tooth decay completely.

However, BeDental encourages you to immediately see a dentist when you detect tooth decay to receive timely treatment. Avoid tooth decay spreading to the dental pulp and making treatment difficult and costly.

How to prevent baby from eating candy with tooth decay
What is tooth decay? Why are children susceptible to tooth decay when eating candy? How to prevent baby from eating candy with tooth decay

Treat tooth decay after eating candy at home with folk methods.

For at-home tooth decay treatment methods, you should remember to thoroughly wash the ingredients before treatment. This will help you avoid worsening tooth decay or food poisoning.

  • Method 1: Gargle with salt water to treat tooth decay.

Salt water has antiseptic and pain-relieving properties. Parents can use physiological saline for children to rinse their mouths instead of homemade salt water to ensure children’s oral health. You need to tell your child not to swallow the salt water but to spit it out.

The appropriate time for children to gargle with salt water is after eating, waking up in the morning and before going to bed.

  • Method 2: Use fresh lemon juice to treat tooth decay.

Fresh lemon juice contains acidic ingredients. Has antiseptic, pain-relieving properties and prevents the spread of bacteria. You should also not give your child pain relief with fresh lemon juice too many times a day. Because the acid in lemon also has the ability to erode tooth enamel.

To relieve tooth pain, use fresh lemon juice to dab the cavity. In addition, drinking diluted fresh lemon juice in sufficient amounts will help strengthen teeth and prevent tooth decay.

  • Method 3: Use garlic and basil to treat toothache.

Garlic and basil are considered two medicinal herbs in Oriental medicine, effective in treating diseases, especially toothache.

To relieve pain with garlic and basil, you need to crush the garlic and basil. Then, use the crushed body to apply to the tooth root, the toothache location. Alternatively, you can squeeze out the juice from the mixture and then drop it on the area where the tooth is affected.

This method helps relieve pain quite well. However, garlic and basil have quite a strong smell. You need to let your baby get used to the smell of garlic and basil before doing this.

  • Method 4: Treat tooth decay with chives.

Besides the effects of treating colds and fevers, chives also have the effect of supporting the treatment of tooth decay and bad breath. You just need to crush the chive leaves, then apply them to your teeth so the toothache will subside in a few minutes.

Treat tooth decay by going to the dentist.

Whether an adult or a child has tooth decay, tooth decay cannot be thoroughly treated if you do not go to a dental facility. If you try to treat tooth decay at home but the pain does not go away, go to the dentist. Dentists will advise you on appropriate treatment.

Dental bonding 6

Use special medications.

If the tooth decay has just begun, tiny holes will form and the decay will begin. Dentists will use special tooth decay medicine to apply to the affected tooth area. Thus, tooth decay will be completely eliminated and pain will be reduced.

Tooth decay filling.

Tooth decay is more serious, creating large black patches or large gaps but has not penetrated and destroyed the tooth pulp. Dentists can apply dental fillings. Dental filling material will be chosen by customers depending on their financial ability.

Tooth extraction.

When tooth decay enters the pulp, destroying the tooth pulp and tooth tip. Conventional treatment methods will not be able to cure it completely. If bacteria penetrate the tooth pulp, it will not completely destroy the tooth. The dentist will perform a root canal and restore the tooth using the porcelain crown method.

In cases where tooth decay cannot be saved, removal of the decayed tooth is inevitable. After tooth extraction, you should plant dentures in the empty position to ensure the jawbone develops normally, not crooked…

How to prevent baby from eating candy with tooth decay

Eating a lot of candy leads to tooth decay, which will have negative effects on the body, especially children. You should take note of the following. To prevent your baby from eating candy and tooth decay as well as to avoid tooth decay for you:

Clean your teeth regularly.

You should teach children how to properly brush their teeth and remove debris from their teeth.

You should use soft-bristled toothbrushes, some specifically for children.

Use toothpaste containing fluoride and calcium to prevent bacteria that cause tooth decay.

After brushing your teeth, you can let your baby use saline to rinse their mouth. That has anti-inflammatory, antiseptic effects…supports the treatment of tooth decay and prevents tooth decay.

Set up a reasonable diet for your baby.

You should let your baby avoid foods that contain a lot of chemical sugar such as soft drinks, candy, etc.

Supplement your baby’s sugar intake with healthy foods such as fruits, juices, etc.

Feed your baby foods supplemented with calcium and vitamin D3 to help strengthen teeth.

Go to the dentist for regular checkups.

Regular dental check-ups at the dentist will help you detect your baby’s tooth decay promptly. From there, the dentist will recommend treatment to overcome the budding tooth decay situation. That helps you save costs.


Tips for letting your baby eat candy without worrying about causing tooth decay

Limit eating candy many times a day: If your baby eats candy too many times a day, that is the time when bacteria and acids begin to invade teeth and cause disease. Therefore, limit the number of times your baby eats candy in a day.

  • Choose low-sugar candy: If available, choose to buy low-sugar or sugar-free candy. Sugar-free candy will be the perfect replacement for infants.
  • Eat candy after eating rice: When eating rice, the amount of acid in the mouth will be quickly balanced. Therefore, if your baby eats candy after eating rice, the growth of bacteria will certainly be limited.
  • Rinse your mouth after eating candy: When your baby eats candy, bacteria will enter the teeth and can cause damage to the teeth. Therefore, encourage your baby to rinse his mouth with clean water after eating candy to help eliminate bacteria and acid from his mouth.
  • Choose chewable candy: Chewable candy will help produce more saliva in the mouth, helping to eliminate bacteria and acid from your baby’s mouth. However, choose sugar-free or low-sugar chewing gum to limit tooth decay.

Eating candy tooth decay is a very common condition no matter what age. You should choose reputable dental facilities to treat tooth decay to avoid tooth decay from becoming worse. If you are in need of treatment for dental diseases, please contact BeDental for timely examination and treatment.



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