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10 benefits to help you answer the question : “Are porcelain veneers necessary?”

Are porcelain veneers necessary? Are porcelain veneers good? Who should not get porcelain veneers? What are the outstanding advantages of the porcelain veneer technique? What are the benefits of porcelain veneers? Are porcelain veneers durable? Why do so many people choose to get porcelain veneers? Let’s explore the 10 benefits below with BEDENTAL to help you decide whether to get porcelain veneers or not.

What is the purpose of porcelain veneers? Are porcelain veneers necessary?

Porcelain veneers are a cosmetic dental method that many customers trust and prefer for its quick and modern approach, helping you easily own bright, beautiful, and natural-looking teeth.

The procedure of applying porcelain veneers is gentle, smooth, and painless. Dentists will mark the tooth’s footprint, apply tooth grinding technology, and place the veneer on the tooth to restore its shape, size, and color.

See more: Preventation of tooth decay in children

Are porcelain veneers necessary
Are porcelain veneers necessary?

Porcelain veneers are currently an effective solution for those who are experiencing:

  • Severely stained teeth but desire a bright white smile
  • Teeth previously covered with composite but experiencing loss or severe inflammation
  • Gaps between teeth
  • Poor enamel quality or enamel deficiency
  • Severe tooth wear affecting chewing surfaces
  • Cracked, broken teeth with significant damage that cannot be filled
  • Replacing missing teeth with a dental bridge
  • Restoring shape and color for one or multiple teeth with poor shape or color
  • Restoring on dental implants
  • Protecting a deeply cracked tooth or a tooth that has undergone root canal treatment

See more: Early Detection of Periodontitis Through These Signs

Who should not get porcelain veneers?

Who should not get porcelain veneers? Although porcelain veneers are currently the best solution for cosmetic dental enhancement, reviving a bright and confident smile for many, not everyone is a suitable candidate for this procedure. You should not get porcelain veneers if you exhibit the following signs:

  • Periodontal disease, weak tooth roots, overly sensitive teeth, frequent toothaches
  • Minor gaps between teeth with good enamel quality (a more suitable option may be cosmetic bonding or veneers to protect the natural teeth)
  • Protruding or misaligned teeth, misaligned bite: in such cases, it is advisable to prioritize orthodontic treatment first to ensure even alignment, maintain root health, correct the bite, and then proceed with veneers for enhanced aesthetics.
Who should not get porcelain veneers
Who should not get porcelain veneers?

10 benefits of porcelain veneers to help you easily decide if you need them

If the following 10 points help you eliminate doubts about getting porcelain veneers, consider a reputable dental clinic to proceed with veneers to soon have bright, healthy, and vibrant teeth:

1. Aesthetic Appeal

Current popular porcelain veneer options reach the pinnacle of aesthetic beauty. Materials like Ceramill and Nacera provide realistic textures and colors for a refined, natural appearance similar to real teeth.

Furthermore, using modern CAD/CAM technology ensures precision and perfection, guaranteeing a snug fit with the gum line, uniformity, and beauty, delivering high aesthetic value for your teeth.

During use, the veneers are not affected by the oral environment, safe for the gums, do not cause gum darkening, swelling, food trapping, or discoloration, and do not cause discomfort while eating or chewing.

See more: What is Zirconia Dental Crown?

2. Natural Beauty of Porcelain Veneers like Real Teeth

Each type of porcelain material has its own advantages:

For metal-based porcelain, the porcelain coating often has a whiter and more matte appearance similar to real teeth. However, due to the metal framework, there can be a dark shadow within the tooth when light passes through.

Full porcelain veneers completely address this drawback, with translucency similar to natural enamel for a natural smile. In some cases, no one can tell with the naked eye. This is why it is undoubtedly the most preferred cosmetic porcelain veneer solution today.

Veneer bonding materials also offer an alternative for upgrading your teeth if you only need the outer appearance of your teeth to be polished and brightened.

Customers undergoing cosmetic porcelain veneer procedures at BE DENTAL receive consultations from experienced, skilled dentists, detailed advice on material choices, and previews of their future smiles.

Moreover, applying modern CAD/CAM technology supports you in quickly achieving teeth that harmonize with your overall facial features, complementing your makeup style, skin tone, hair color, providing confidence with a natural, bright smile without gum dark

Natural Beauty of Porcelain Veneers like Real Teeth

3. Authentic porcelain materials resist discoloration

Full porcelain veneers are crafted with a stain-resistant porcelain coating, preventing them from yellowing or fading in color over time due to food staining. This is a good choice if you do not want to experience the dental material changing color significantly from your original teeth color, as with dental filling methods.

See more: Do braces hurt?

Full porcelain veneers

4. High durability of porcelain teeth

Many people are hesitant about whether to cover their teeth with porcelain or if it is good to cover them with porcelain because they are afraid that the teeth will not be durable. In fact, the average lifespan of all-porcelain teeth can be maintained from 10-15 years depending on how you take care of your oral hygiene afterwards.

Therefore, adhering to a care regimen, diet as instructed by the dentist, and visiting the dentist for regular check-ups every 3-6 months to check for tightness and quality of the porcelain teeth will help protect your teeth and maintain the long-term durability of the porcelain teeth.

5. Fixed on the jaw arch

If the false teeth are easily removable, slip out of place, or the fillings may become loose, then the porcelain-covered tooth body is fixed on the real tooth stub, on the implanted porcelain tooth root, or fixed in place with a replacement tooth bridge for the missing tooth.

See more: What are crooked front teeth?

Therefore, you can completely trust the firmness and durability of aesthetic porcelain teeth. Porcelain teeth restorations will not shift if performed according to medical standards with advanced technology and precise techniques. This is also one of the advantages affirming the goodness of porcelain teeth coverings.

6. Safe for oral health when restoring chewing and eating function

Porcelain teeth are replacements for real teeth, so in addition to the high aesthetic function in appearance, color, size, shape, aesthetic porcelain teeth must also ensure the most natural characteristics, correct function of real teeth in chewing, eating, and biting.

Safe for oral health when restoring chewing and eating function

Therefore, when using high-quality porcelain teeth, done correctly with precise techniques, fitting snugly against the gum line will ensure that the mouth does not develop oral diseases such as gum inflammation, bad breath, and can withstand an average force of up to 900MPa, stronger than real teeth by multiple times (80-120MPa).

Therefore, you can completely trust the durability of aesthetic porcelain teeth, all biting, eating, and chewing activities of the teeth are still safe, allowing you to easily enjoy favorite foods like chicken feet without any issues, without worrying about cracking or breaking teeth.

7. Round and clear pronunciation

Teeth are an essential part that helps us pronounce correctly and clearly. When a tooth is broken, cracked, decayed, or damaged and not treated promptly, it can lead to pulp death, tooth loss, and a series of oral diseases such as gum inflammation, receding gums, bone resorption, eventually affecting pronunciation and facial deformities.

Therefore, timely intervention with porcelain teeth coverings, especially in cases of tooth trauma or decay, will help protect real teeth well, avoid harmful external factors and conditions like tooth sensitivity, receding gums, while also improving speech, helping you always be confident.

See more: What is a misaligned bite? 

8. Protect surrounding teeth, prevent jaw bone resorption

Covering damaged teeth with external tooth coverings not only plays an important role in restoring the shape of the teeth but also serves to protect the teeth from deeper attacks by bacteria and acids in the oral cavity.

Protect surrounding teeth prevent jaw bone resorption

With teeth that have pulp damage, porcelain covering is a highly necessary intervention to protect the teeth the best. A tooth with dead pulp is considered a dead tooth, without value, like a dry tree devoid of sap.

Similarly, the tooth will no longer be as healthy as usual, it becomes brittle, forms bacterial pockets in the mouth, is prone to breakage, tooth sensitivity, and gum problems. Therefore, aesthetic porcelain teeth coverings will help encapsulate the damaged tooth, preventing the spread of bacteria to other teeth.

Especially for patients who have undergone pulp treatment, it is even more crucial to cover the tooth with porcelain, creating a protective outer layer for the tooth, preventing harmful bacteria from re-entering the new tooth, helping to protect the tooth, and minimizing any potential harm to the tooth.

Additionally, it helps enhance the tooth’s strength, reduce the risk of breakage, preserve the remaining natural teeth. It prevents impacts on adjacent teeth, prevents the consequences of tooth loss – jaw bone resorption, misalignment of neighboring teeth, and the entire chewing system.

9. The snug, comfortable fit of porcelain tooth coverings

Unlike options such as removable dentures or false teeth, aesthetic porcelain tooth coverings are much more convenient and comfortable. Moreover, when porcelain teeth are done correctly with quality materials, they will bring satisfaction to all patients.

Methods that can cause pain, discomfort, awkwardness, crowding in the mouth due to certain appliances, affecting the jawbone, and gums. Porcelain teeth, when perfectly restored, will fit snugly against the gum line, have a proper bite alignment, and not cause irritation to the gums.

See more: How to attach gems to teeth?

The snug comfortable fit of porcelain tooth coverings

10. Solution for severe cases

If, unfortunately, you have dental issues due to trauma, strong impact, deep decay, gum diseases, antibiotic staining, porcelain tooth coverings are the solution to help you regain confidence in your smile.

Restoring the appearance of the teeth as well as daily functions like chewing, biting, grinding, porcelain teeth are very strong and safe for the user’s health. Porcelain teeth help restore teeth with high aesthetics and maintain durability, ensuring normal eating and drinking functions.

Price list for porcelain tooth coverings:

Danh mụcGiá thành
1. Phục hình tháo lắp - (Tìm hiểu thêm...)
Removable Denture (More detail...)
Giá Hàm nền nhựa thường
Conventional Denture (More detail...)
(1 hàm)4.000.000
~ 157$
Giá Hàm nền nhựa dẻo
Flexible acrylic partial denture
(1 hàm)5.500.000
~ 216$
Giá Hàm khung kim loại thường
Cast metal partial denture
(1 hàm)4.500.000
~ 177$
Giá Hàm khung Titan
Titanium partial denture
(1 hàm)6.000.000
~ 236$
2. Răng giả (Tìm hiểu thêm...)
False teeth
Giá Răng giả hàm tháo lắp nhựa nội
Acrylic resin teeth -made in Vietnam
( 1 răng)350.000
~ 14$
Giá Răng giả hàm tháo lắp nhựa Mỹ
Acrylic resin teeth -made in USA
( 1 răng)600.000
~ 24$
Giá Răng giả hàm tháo lắp sứ
Porcelain teeth backed with metal
( 1 răng)1.800.000
~ 71$
Máng nâng khớp
Denture occlúion
~ 39$
3. Phục hình cố định :
Non-removable denture
Giá Sứ kim loại (Tìm hiểu thêm...)
Porcelain teeth backed with metal
Giá Răng sứ kim loại thường (Ni,Cr)
Porcelain teeth backed with metal (Ni,Cr)
~ 71$
Giá Răng sứ kim loại Vivadent france (Cr,Co)
Porcelain teeth backed with metal Vivadent France (Cr,Co)
~ 71$
Giá Răng sứ kim loại Jelenko USA ( Cr, Co)
Porcelain teeth backed with metal Jelenko USD (Cr,Co)
~ 79$
Giá Răng sứ kim loại titan
Porcelain teeth backed with titanium
~ 138$
Giá Sứ không kim loại : (Tìm hiểu thêm)
Non-metal Teeth
Giá Răng sứ Katana (bảo hành 7 năm)
Porcelain Veneer Katana from Japan
~ 138$
Giá Răng sứ Venus ( bảo hành 7 năm) (Tìm hiểu thêm...)
Porcelain Veneer Venus from Germany (More detail...)
~ 157$
Giá Răng sứ Roland ( bảo hành 10 năm) (Tìm hiểu thêm...)
Porcelain Veneer Roland from Germany (More detail...)
~ 189$
Giá Răng sứ Roland HD (bảo hành 10 năm) (Tìm hiểu thêm...)
Porcelain Veneer Roland HD from Germany
~ 232$
Giá Răng sứ Ceramill (bảo hành 10 năm)(Tìm hiểu thêm...)
Porcelain Veneer Ceramil from Germany
~ 236$
Giá Răng sứ Emax Nanoceramics ( bảo hành 15 năm)
Porcelain Veneer Emax from Germany
~ 275$
Giá Răng sứ HTsmile (Bảo hành 15 năm) (Tìm hiểu thêm...)
Porcelain Veneer Htsmile from Germany (More detail...)
~ 275$
Giá Răng sứ Emax* Press Lithium Disilicate (Bảo hành 15 năm) (Tìm hiểu thêm...)
Porcelain Veneer Emax press from Germany (More detail...)
~ 314$
Giá Răng sứ Cercon (Bảo hành 15 năm) (Tìm hiểu thêm...)
Porcelain Veneer Cercon from Germany (More detail...)
~ 275$
Giá Răng sứ Nacera Pearl Shade ( bảo hành 10 năm)
Porcelain Veneer Nacera from Germany
~ 393$
Giá Răng sứ Lava 3M Premium Plus ( bảo hành 15 năm) (Tìm hiểu thêm...)
Porcelain Veneer Lava 3M Plus from USA (More detail...)
~ 354$
Giá Răng sứ Lava Esthentics ( bảo hành 15 năm)
Porcelain Veneer 3M Lava Esthetic from USA
~ 472$
Giá Răng sứ Lisi Press (bảo hành 15 năm) (Tìm hiểu thêm...)
Porcelain Veneer Lisi from Japan (More detail...)
~ 472$
Giá Răng sứ kim cương (Bảo hành trọn đời)
Porcelain Veneer Diamond from USA
16.000.000 ~ 629$




Address 1: 7B Thi Sach St, Ngo Thi Nham, Hai Ba Trung Dist, Ha Noi. - 0934.61.9090
Address 2: 343 Tay Son St, Nga Tu So Ward, Dong Da Dist, Ha Noi. (Nga Tu So Cross) - 0934.61.9090
Address 3: CC2 Tower  Nguyen Huu Tho St, Dinh Cong Ward, Hoang Mai Dist, Ha Noi. (Inside True Hope ) - 0934.61.9090
Address 1: 53 -55 -57  Pho Duc Chinh St, Nguyen Thai Binh, Dist. 1, Ho Chi Minh. - 0766.00.8080
Address2: 25, City Land urban area, Go Vap Dist, Ho Chi Minh - 0766.00.8080
Working: 9am - 6pm everyday
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