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A root canal treatment (endodontics) refers to a dental process used to treat the damaged area at the center of a tooth.

It involves drilling a hole into the tooth and removing infected tissue from the root canal system, known as the dental pulp (composed of tissue, nerves, and blood vessels and extends into the roots of the tooth). The root canal is filled, and the tooth is sealed with a filling or crown after the pulp is eliminated.

Root canal therapy can be performed by a dentist or a specialist endodontist.

Normal teeth
Normal teeth

When is a root canal needed?

A root canal is needed when the pulp, which is the soft tissue inside the tooth that contains nerves, blood vessels, and connective tissue, becomes infected or inflamed. This can happen due to deep decay, repeated dental procedures on the tooth, a crack or chip in the tooth, or a traumatic injury. If the pulp is left untreated, it can lead to pain, swelling, and infection, and can eventually cause the tooth to be lost.

A root canal is a dental procedure that involves removing the infected or inflamed pulp, cleaning and shaping the inside of the tooth, and filling it with a special material to prevent further infection. Root canal therapy can save a damaged or infected tooth and prevent the need for tooth extraction.

Tooth structure 

A tooth is made up of 2 parts. The crown is the surface of the tooth that can be seen with the naked eye. The root connects to the bone of the jaw, holding the tooth in its position.

The tooth also consists of:

enamel – the hard outer coating

dentine – a softer layer that places under the enamel 

cementum – a hard material that covers the root’s surface

dental pulp – the soft part at the core of the tooth

Parts of a tooth
Parts of a tooth

Causes of tooth infection

The infected or damaged tooth may come from tooth decay, repetitive motions, cracked fillings, or gum diseases.

When the dental pulp is weakened, bacteria can start to grow and spread at the center of the tooth. This can lead to an infection or abscess, which is a pocket of pus that forms at the tooth’s root.


In some cases, there are no signs of the tooth abscess during the first stages. Most common symptoms include:

  • Pain when biting or chewing
  • Pain when eating or drinking hot or cold food and drink
  • Darkening of the tooth
  • Swollen and tender gums
  • Pus around an infected tooth
  • A swollen cheek or jaw
  • A loose tooth

As the bacteria multiply and kill the pulp, these symptoms often disappear. At that time, if you leave the infected tooth in your mouth, it may get worse. So, it’s necessary to see the dentist.

It will be harder to do the root canal treatment if the infection inside your tooth becomes established.

Treatment process

First, the dentist takes an X-ray of the tooth to determine the condition of the root canals and whether there is any infection in the bone surrounding the tooth.

Before having root canal treatment, the patient will be given a local anesthetic to numb the area around the infected tooth. Then, the dentist will drill a hole into the root of the tooth to remove the bacteria. Every tooth has from 1 to 4 canals, depending on the tooth. The canals will all be cleared, shaped, and sterilized.

There are several regular check-ups for the dentist to clean and shape the hole inside. Before placing a sterile filling, the dentist will seal the tooth with a temporary filling and put a metal band around the tooth as protection.

When the treatment is done, the hole will be covered with gutta percha, a permanent substance. To reinforce the tooth, they may insert a supportive stick into the root canals. 

Because the procedure of the root canal treatment takes longer than a normal filling, it may be annoying and interfering. But after root canal treatment, a tooth can last for more than 10 years. 

Treatment process

Vietnam’s Best Dentist for root canal treatment

BeDental will be the best choice for those who want to experience the top-notch facilities and qualified dentist. 

BeDental was established in 2012. After a period of operation, the center quickly became a popular address for providing dental services and a leader of the dentistry field. With highly trained dental professionals, the latest facilities including a 3D Scan CT scanner, Panorama and Cephalo X-ray machines, a laser teeth whitening system, etc, and advanced technology, BeDental is going to become the best dentistry center in Vietnam. 

BeDental was established with the mission “Sow smile, spread success”, and believe that everyone deserves to have a charming and confident smile. That’s why Be tried their best to solve the dental problems or obstacles that hide your stunning smile. 

With the best dental professionals in Vietnam, BeDental brings devotion and dedication to every customer as if we were family. BeDental is a reputable and professional dental system with various branches in city centers, which helps customers travel easily.  


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