Dentures fall out or break – Causes and some solutions. Denture implants are a popular tooth restoration method, chosen by many people after tooth loss to improve oral defects and bring back a confident, radiant, and shining smile. In particular, with the desire to have bright, white, beautiful teeth, the method of cosmetic restoration of porcelain teeth is no longer strange to many people. So what are the causes and remedies for dentures falling out? BeDental will provide some information so you can better understand this issue through the article below!
What are dentures?
Dentures are teeth made of plastic to replace damaged teeth. There are different types of dentures including mechanical dentures, electronic dentures, implant dentures. .. Depending on the needs and preferences of the user, which type of denture will be chosen. Dentures are used to help users eat, speak and relax more comfortably and confidently.

Causes of dentures fall out, break, or fracture
In the case of porcelain teeth:
Porcelain teeth are composed of an inner tooth rib (made from metal or porcelain) and an outer ceramic coating. The porcelain coating on the outside of the teeth is a type of compressed porcelain, only capable of normal chewing and cannot withstand strong impacts or activities such as biting or prying food or hard objects.
Therefore, the causes of dentures falling out (including both subjective and objective causes):
What are dentures? Causes of dentures fall out. Tips for taking care of dentures to avoid falling out Subjective reasons:
Due to the doctor’s poor skills, the durability of the porcelain tooth is not guaranteed, making it susceptible to leaking and falling out. If you want dentures to have comprehensive aesthetics and stable chewing ability, the porcelain bridge making process must be done carefully.
Therefore, if during the procedure the doctor does the wrong procedure, the wrong technique or makes some mistakes in grinding and manipulating porcelain teeth, it will cause many serious consequences, especially the dentures falling out. Specifically:
- One is because the impression step of the jaw sample was not meticulous and accurate, causing the porcelain crown to deviate from the tooth abutment. Therefore, if the doctors performing this procedure are not skilled or highly qualified, it can cause many serious effects on your oral health.
- Second, because at the step of attaching the porcelain crown, if it is not correct with the bite, it will cause the porcelain teeth to misalign. Remember that our bite is very strong, not simply an up and down motion. While you chew, your teeth will create a circular grinding motion, and the force created can crush the food. Therefore, it is necessary to place dentures in the correct position to avoid dentures falling out and at the same time increase optimal bearing capacity.
- Third, as mentioned above, the porcelain tooth grinding technique, if not done carefully and accurately, can cause the porcelain crown to not match the two real tooth posts, thereby causing the denture to fall out. .
- Fourth, the grinding tooth post does not match the previously calculated ratio, or the tooth pulp surface is not smooth, flat, or rough, causing the tooth bridge to misalign. This makes it easy for dentures to fall out during chewing.

These actions, in mild cases, can expose the dental bridge, and in more severe cases, they can cause the bridge to loosen, causing the dentures to ache for many days. The most serious is damage to gum tissue, which leads to many dental-related diseases. Therefore, you should take the time to carefully learn about reputable dental facilities with a team of skilled doctors like BeDental to perform porcelain dental bridges with high efficiency.
- Objective reasons:
- One is that the porcelain tooth is impacted or subjected to strong external force, causing the denture to fall out and affect the adjacent teeth.
- Second, the dental cement layer created during the bonding process between porcelain teeth and real tooth pulp is broken. This causes dentures to fall out and it happens because the dentures have been used for a long time without being replaced; or due to the process of eating or talking, acids in the mouth attack, causing teeth to oxidize, become discolored and dentures to break.
What are dentures? Causes of dentures fall out. Tips for taking care of dentures to avoid falling out - Third, because your tooth pillar is inherently weak or has diseases such as tooth decay, periodontitis, pulpitis, etc., so it cannot hold the porcelain crown firmly.
- Fourth, if the porcelain dental bridge has been firmly attached, it will no longer deviate from the tooth abutment. And so during the chewing process, you can still use some hard, chewy foods as usual. However, there are still many cases where dentures fall out, break, or break due to biting hard foods such as bones, rocks, walnut shells, crab claws, or prying open bottle caps, etc.
- Fifth, your habit of grinding your teeth while sleeping will also cause your dentures to break.
In the case of removable dentures:
The structure of a removable denture consists of 2 parts: (1) the dentures are made of plastic or porcelain to replace the lost tooth area attached to the tooth (2) the jaw base or removable jaw frame acts as a prosthetic gum. Made of flexible plastic with a pink color similar to the color of real gums.

Sometimes they are connected together by a metal frame and a hook connected to the teeth. Similar to the case of porcelain teeth, there are many subjective and objective causes that cause dentures to fall. Below, BeDental will mention some main causes:
- Subjective reasons:
- One is due to poor technical skills of the doctor performing the removable denture restoration method. The denture was not crafted carefully and accurately according to proportions, causing the dentures to fall out.
- Second, you use the force of chewing and biting too fast or too hard to eat food that is too tough or too hard, causing your jaw and dentures to fall off from your real teeth.
- Third is because you do not follow the dentist’s oral care instructions. This creates conditions for bacteria to enter your mouth, causing diseases that cause dentures to fall out, break, or break.
- Objective reasons:
- One is due to strong impact or cleaning in high-temperature water, causing the plastic jaw base to deform and no longer fit tightly to the restored teeth and gums. This causes dentures to fall out, break, or break.
- Second, because removable dentures cannot prevent jaw bone loss, over a long period of time the gums can shrink and rise, exposing the tooth roots of the real tooth pillars. This is an opportunity for bacteria to invade and attack tooth roots, causing gum recession, causing dentures to fall out and causing denture pain.
- Third, because your tooth abutment is inherently weak or has diseases such as tooth decay, periodontitis, pulpitis, etc., the hook of the removable jaw is overloaded, causing the denture to fall out, break, or break. and causes denture pain.
How to fix falling dentures

When you discover that your dentures have fallen out, broken, or broken, you should contact your doctor to find the fastest way to fix them, but don’t wait too long. In cases where the porcelain dental bridge is slightly exposed, the doctor will adjust the porcelain crown so that it has a closer fit with the tooth abutment.
On the other hand, if the porcelain dental bridge is severely exposed and the situation cannot be saved anymore, the doctors will fix it by replacing the bridge with a new one. This is also the best way, ensuring both safety and the aesthetics and chewing function of dentures.
As for cases where the dental bridge is misaligned due to biting into food or objects that are too hard, causing the dental cement layer that connects the tooth base and the porcelain crown to be destroyed, you need to immediately go to the dental clinic. for the doctors to reattach the bridge with a new layer of cement.
In case the denture falls out but your real tooth root is still strong and the porcelain coating is intact and not cracked or broken, doctors can completely fix it. First, they will clean your porcelain teeth, then perform oral hygiene and then use glue to fix the porcelain teeth as firmly as possible, and fit tightly to your real tooth roots.

On the other hand, in cases where porcelain teeth have been used for too long (at the end of their lifespan), cannot be reused anymore, or due to incorrect porcelain coating techniques, the doctors will proceed to re-craft new porcelain teeth and re-grind the tooth roots. so that the gap between porcelain teeth and real teeth has no gaps and fits tightly together. At the same time, to ensure correct standards and techniques to avoid dentures falling out.
In case the removable denture is deformed or the denture falls out, breaks or breaks, you need to replace the denture with a new one as soon as possible. In addition, if dentures fall out with symptoms such as pain in the gum area or adjacent teeth, you should immediately contact your doctor to determine the cause and take timely treatment.
In particular, you will not be able to make a new porcelain bridge in cases where the dentures no longer fit tightly due to jaw bone loss. Because at this time the bone has been destroyed, causing the face to become sunken, unbalanced and the adjacent teeth are also affected. So in this case, the best way to overcome the problem of falling dentures is to restore lost teeth with implants.
Tips for taking care of dentures to avoid falling out, breaking, or fracturing
Tips for taking care of dentures to avoid falling out: Besides taking care of dentures, your real teeth also need to rest at night. Therefore, for removable dentures, you should remove them and soak them in clean water or physiological saline before going to bed.
As for fixed dentures, oral hygiene steps are carried out as usual, paying special attention to regular gum care to keep the jaw healthy, rosy and to help avoid dentures falling out.

To use dentures more durable and long-term, to limit the occurrence of dentures falling out, breaking, breaking, shaking, or loosening, you should take care and maintain your teeth scientifically and carefully. Carefully follow your dentist’s instructions to avoid spreading bacteria in the oral cavity that can cause denture pain. Below, BeDental will guide you through the steps to clean dentures:
- Step 1: Use a soft-bristled toothbrush and salt water or toothpaste suitable for your denture enamel to avoid dentures from being worn, brittle, or broken, and clean your jaw at least twice a day, especially after each meal.
- Cleaning operations must be gentle to avoid scratching the jaw and gradually remove leftover food particles from the teeth. Especially avoid brushing your teeth horizontally because this method can cause tooth root erosion, making teeth weak and easily loose, leading to dentures falling out, breaking, or breaking. Instead, brush your teeth in circular motions along the length of your teeth.
- Step 2: After removing the jaw, immediately soak the dentures in water mixed with vinegar in a 1:1 ratio at least once a day or soak with specialized gel 1 to 2 times a day for preservation. Absolutely do not soak the denture in hot water because it will cause the denture to warp and lose its original shape.
- Step 3: Soak the denture brush in clorox water once a week
- Step 4: Clean your gums at least twice a day, especially after eating.
- Step 5: Rinse your mouth with mouthwash after removing the jaw.

One of the reasons that BeDental pays special attention to customers on how to use dentures and clean them properly is because normally the denture base is quite loose and does not fit tightly to the gums.
Therefore, if you do not take care of your jaw carefully, after a long time of use, dentures will easily fall out. On the other hand, during use, you need to handle the dentures gently to avoid collisions that can cause the dentures to fall, break, or break.
One of the important things in using dentures is that the user must ensure a reasonable diet to avoid causing the dentures to fall, break, or become loose. Especially do not use your teeth to bite foods that are too hard, too tough, too flexible, or to pry off bottle caps, etc. as this will easily damage the dentures and cause them to stick together.
In addition, if you have the habit of grinding your teeth, see a doctor immediately. Or if you do related work or play sports with strong movements and frequent collisions such as football, volleyball, basketball, etc., you should carefully consult your doctor on how to protect yourself. Porcelain tooth guard. Finally, make sure you have regular dental checkups every 6 months.

In summary, above is information about the causes and how to fix dentures that fall out, break, or break at BeDental. With a team of dentists and dedicated care and consulting staff on the oral health problems you are facing, we hope to bring useful information to help answer some of your questions. Friend. Come to Bedental Dental Clinic to share more specifically about the above issues!
Reference price list for dentures:
List Time Unit Price
1.Removable Denture (More detail...)
Conventional Denture (More detail...) 2 days 1 jaw 4.000.000
~ 157$
Flexible acrylic partial denture 2 days 1 jaw 5.500.000
~ 216$
Cast metal partial denture 2 days 1 jaw 4.500.000
~ 177$
Titanium partial denture 2 days 1 jaw 6.000.000
~ 236$
2. False teeth (More detail...) 2 days
Acrylic resin teeth -made in Vietnam 3 days 1 unit 350.000
~ 14$
Acrylic resin teeth -made in USA 2 days 1 unit 600.000
~ 24$
Porcelain teeth backed with metal 2 days 1 unit 1.800.000
~ 71$
Denture occlusion 2 days 1 unit 1.000.000
~ 39$
3. Non-removable denture :
Porcelain teeth backed with metal (More detail...)
Porcelain teeth backed with metal (Ni,Cr) 3 days 1 unit 1.800.000
~ 71$
Porcelain teeth backed with metal Vivadent France (Cr,Co) 3 days 1 unit 1.800.000
~ 71$
Porcelain teeth backed with metal Jelenko USD (Cr,Co) 3 days 1 unit 2.000.000
~ 79$
Porcelain teeth backed with titanium 3 days 1 unit 3.500.000
~ 138$
Non-metal Teeth : (More detail)
Porcelain Veneer Katana from Japan 3 days 1 unit 3.500.000
~ 138$
Porcelain Veneer Venus from Germany ( (7 years Warantee) (Tìm hiểu thêm...)
3 days 1 unit 4.000.000
~ 157$
Porcelain Veneer Roland from Germany ( 10 years Warantee) (More detail...)
3 days 1 unit 4.800.000
~ 189$
Porcelain Veneer Roland HD from Germany (10 years warantee) (More detail...) 3 days 1 unit 5.900.000
~ 232$
Porcelain Veneer Ceramil from Germany (10 years warantee)(More detail...)
3 days 1 unit 6.000.000
~ 236$
Porcelain Veneer Emax from Germany ( 15 years warantee)
3 days 1 unit 7.000.000
~ 275$
Porcelain Veneer Htsmile from Germany(Bảo hành 15 năm) (More detail...) 3 days 1 unit 7.000.000
~ 275$
Porcelain Veneer Emax press from Germany (15 years warantee) (More detail...)
3 days 1 unit 8.000.000
~ 314$
Porcelain Veneer Cercon from Germany (15 years Warantee) (More detail...)
3 days 1 unit 7.000.000
~ 275$
Porcelain Veneer Nacera from Germany ( 10 years warantee)
3 days 1 unit 10.000.000
~ 393$
Porcelain Veneer Lava 3M Plus from USA ( 15 years warentee) (More detail...)
3 days 1 unit 9.000.000
~ 354$
Porcelain Veneer 3M Lava Esthetic from USA (15 years warantee) 3 days 1 unit 12.000.000
~ 472$
Porcelain Veneer Lisi from Japan (15 years warentee) (More detail...) 3 days 1 unit 12.000.000
~ 472$
Porcelain Veneer Diamond from USA (lifetime warantee)
3 days 1 unit 16.000.000
~ 629$
You can save up to 70% of the costs by getting dentures in Vietnam and still get top-quality treatment. The cost of full dentures is $245 in Vietnam, while the US where the same costs $8,000!
See more: Should be extracted molar tooth decay? Is it painful?
Address 1: 7B Thi Sach St, Ngo Thi Nham, Hai Ba Trung Dist, Ha Noi. - 0934.61.9090
Address 2: 343 Tay Son St, Nga Tu So Ward, Dong Da Dist, Ha Noi. (Nga Tu So Cross) - 0934.61.9090
Address 3: CC2 Tower Nguyen Huu Tho St, Dinh Cong Ward, Hoang Mai Dist, Ha Noi. (Inside True Hope ) - 0934.61.9090
Address 1: 53 -55 -57 Pho Duc Chinh St, Nguyen Thai Binh, Dist. 1, Ho Chi Minh. - 0766.00.8080
Address2: 25, City Land urban area, Go Vap Dist, Ho Chi Minh - 0766.00.8080
Working: 9am - 6pm everyday