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How to Reduce Swelling After Wisdom Tooth Extraction? 4 Effective Methods

Most people experience swelling of the cheek or face after having a wisdom tooth extracted. Although it is a normal phenomenon due to the body’s reaction, this swelling and discomfort can be very unpleasant.

In some cases, prolonged swelling after wisdom tooth extraction can lead to dangerous complications. So what is the actual cause of this phenomenon? What is the most effective and safe way to reduce pain? The following article will help you find all the answers.

What causes swelling After Wisdom Tooth Extraction?

What causes swelling After Wisdom Tooth Extraction? Swelling of the cheek or face after wisdom tooth extraction is a very common and normal phenomenon. The degree of pain and swelling depends greatly on the professional skills of the dentist. With good expertise, the degree of swelling, pain, or bleeding will be minimized. Additionally, swelling and discomfort occurring during the healing process of the extracted tooth is the body’s way of regenerating new bone cells.

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Furthermore, the reasons for swelling of the cheek or face after wisdom tooth extraction may include:

  • During the tooth extraction process, the dentist will use specialized instruments to incise the gums and open the bone to extract the tooth root. This action can cause gum damage, directly affecting the related nerves and leading to swelling and pain.
  • If the open wound after wisdom tooth extraction is not cleaned properly, it may become infected, resulting in prolonged pain and swelling of the cheek and face.
  • Improper wound care after wisdom tooth extraction can lead to inflammation and infection. It may even spread swelling and pain to surrounding areas.
  • Dentist’s improper technique or mistakes in tooth root extraction.
  • Inadequate sterilization during the tooth extraction procedure can cause infection after removing the wisdom tooth.
Swelling After Wisdom Tooth Extraction
What causes swelling After Wisdom Tooth Extraction?

Is swelling of the cheek or face dangerous after wisdom tooth extraction? How long does it last?

In most cases, swelling of the cheek or face after wisdom tooth extraction does not lead to any dangerous complications. The condition is that the tooth extraction procedure must be performed correctly with proper technique in a sterile environment, combined with modern equipment and skilled dentists.

Typically, swelling of the cheek or face usually only lasts for about 2-3 days. However, the degree of swelling and pain depends on the location and shape of the wisdom tooth.

Lower wisdom teeth often cause prolonged swelling. For cases where the tooth has complex shapes, grows in abnormal positions, etc., the dentist may need to separate the gums, open the tooth socket, and then divide the wisdom tooth into very small parts before completely removing it. This can lead to a longer recovery time compared to straightforward wisdom tooth extractions.

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If the pain and swelling have significantly reduced after 2-3 days, there is no need to worry. However, if the symptoms persist beyond the fourth day and worsen with increased pain and discomfort, do not ignore it. At this point, the swelling and pain are not just a natural reaction of the body after gum incision for tooth extraction but also a warning sign of potential infection.

Do not self-medicate or treat at home. Instead, visit a reputable dental clinic for examination. The dentist will directly assess and recommend the best course of action to avoid unforeseen consequences.

How long does it last

Cases of swelling of the face or cheek after wisdom tooth extraction that require medical attention?

After wisdom tooth extraction, you need to monitor the swelling and pain in the cheek and face area regularly. If you notice that they have significantly reduced after 2-3 days, there is no need to worry. But if the pain and swelling persist, discomfort increases day by day, and accompanied by the following abnormal signs, you should seek medical attention as soon as possible:

  • The wound after tooth extraction shows signs of inflammation and pus.
  • Unusual bad breath.
  • Swollen lymph nodes in the neck area, especially on the side of the recently extracted tooth.
  • Difficulty in opening the mouth while eating.
  • Prolonged high fever.

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Complications from infection after wisdom tooth extraction are extremely dangerous. Early detection and treatment will help with a quicker recovery and prevent adverse effects on the body. Therefore, you need to schedule an appointment with a doctor immediately to receive appropriate treatment.

What to pay attention to after wisdom tooth extraction to reduce swelling and pain

What to pay attention to after wisdom tooth extraction? After the tooth extraction, the dentist will advise you directly on diet, oral hygiene, and proper rest to minimize prolonged swelling of the face and cheek. You should follow these recommendations to avoid post-extraction swelling:

Regarding diet:

Establishing a balanced and scientific diet is essential to help the wound heal quickly. On the contrary, not following dietary restrictions can lead to infection and irritation in the tooth socket after extraction.

So what to eat and what not to eat after wisdom tooth extraction? Here is a list of foods you can refer to:

Foods to eat:

  • You should consume soft, liquid foods such as porridge, soup, broth, fruit smoothies, yogurt, etc. For porridge and soup, you can blend meat and vegetables to increase the nutritional content.
  • Foods rich in calcium such as shrimp, crab, fish, etc., help boost immunity and promote wound healing process.
  • Green vegetables, fresh fruits contain abundant vitamins, fiber, and minerals. You can consider tomatoes, carrots, etc., to aid in quick wound healing.
  • Soy milk: contains lecithin protein that helps blood clot quickly, reduces irritation, and speeds up wound healing.
  • Foods containing Omega-3 fatty acids like salmon have excellent anti-inflammatory properties.
You should consume soft liquid foods
What to pay attention to after wisdom tooth extraction?

Foods to Avoid

  • Foods that are hard, tough, and require a lot of chewing like tendons, cartilage, etc., should be avoided at all costs.
  • Avoid foods that are easily breakable, sticky, and cling to the teeth like brittle and sticky candy.
  • Avoid eating foods that are too hot, too sour, or too spicy as they can cause irritation, making the swelling and pain more severe.
  • Avoid drinks with high sugar content as sugar can prolong inflammation and pain.
  • Avoid stimulant-containing drinks like coffee, alcohol, beer, etc., as they can reduce the effectiveness of antibiotics, exacerbate inflammation and pain.

Rest Properly

Dentists often advise patients to avoid work immediately after wisdom tooth extraction. Take time to rest completely for at least 24 hours. If you have to work, choose light tasks and avoid strenuous activities.

In addition, you should maintain a relaxed spirit to reduce swelling and pain in the cheek and face area. According to experts, stress and tension are also factors that can make you feel more intense and prolonged pain.

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Especially, you should not use your hands, tongue, or any other objects near the extracted tooth. Even vigorous rinsing, sucking, or spitting should be limited. All these actions can impact the wound in the newly extracted tooth socket.

Proper Oral Hygiene

Many people think that open wounds and swelling should be left untouched as much as possible. Therefore, oral hygiene during these days may be neglected. However, this is a completely wrong perspective because the mouth already contains many bacteria. If not cleaned daily, it will create conditions for bacteria to thrive, causing infection in the wound from the extracted tooth.

However, oral hygiene after wisdom tooth extraction will have a completely different protocol compared to normal oral care. Specifically:

  • In the first 24 hours, you may not need to use a toothbrush or mouthwash to clean. This is an extremely sensitive time, limiting actions to avoid affecting the forming blood clot. Therefore, dental clinics always proactively clean the mouth before tooth extraction.
  • After 24 hours, you can use mouthwash and brush your teeth. However, you should only use physiological saline to clean the mouth. Note that you should only use ready-made physiological saline and not make your own at home as the wrong concentration can negatively affect the wound.
  • When using a toothbrush, be gentle and avoid the area near the wound. For food stuck in between teeth, you can use dental floss to clean.

Proper oral hygiene

How to effectively and safely reduce swelling and pain in the face after wisdom tooth extraction

Swelling in the face after wisdom tooth extraction can cause discomfort in daily activities and eating. There are many safe and effective ways to reduce pain that you can apply at home, such as:

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Applying a cold compress to the swollen area of the face.

Apply cold compress

Using a cold compress can temporarily numb the nerves at the applied area. Therefore, you will immediately feel a significant reduction in swelling and pain when using this method.

However, to ensure safety, you should follow the instructions for applying a cold compress as follows:

Prepare clean ice, homemade is preferable, along with a soft, clean cotton towel. Then, dampen the cotton towel with water. Next, place 3-4 ice cubes wrapped in the damp towel. Gently apply to the swollen area of the face for about 10 minutes.


  • The cold compress method should be applied within the first 3 days after tooth extraction.
  • Absolutely do not apply ice directly to the face as it can easily cause frostbite.
  • When applying the cold compress, do so gradually and avoid placing the ice pack directly on the face. Allowing the body to slowly adapt to the low temperature is better than sudden exposure.

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Applying a warm compress to the swollen face

Using a warm compress can effectively reduce swelling and alleviate pain. The heat helps improve blood circulation, soothing pain instantly. Here’s how to do it:

Prepare a soft, clean cotton towel. Then, boil water at a temperature of 70-80°C. Next, soak the cotton towel in the hot water, wring it out, and apply to the swollen and painful area.


  • Only apply a warm compress after wisdom tooth extraction from the 2nd day onwards. Applying it in the early days may disrupt the newly formed blood clot.
  • Each warm compress session should only last 2-3 minutes. Repeat the process of soaking in hot water, wringing it out, and applying the compress. This method will yield the highest effectiveness.

Reduce swelling and pain, prevent infection by rinsing with physiological saline

One effective way to reduce swelling and pain that you can do daily is rinsing with physiological saline. Physiological saline contains antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. You will feel a cleaner mouth and a noticeable reduction in swelling and pain after each use.


  • Do not rinse with physiological saline within the first 24 hours after tooth extraction.
  • Avoid using homemade saline solution.
  • Limit vigorous rinsing and spitting.

Rinsing with physiological saline

Using pain relievers and anti-inflammatory drugs prescribed by the dentist

After tooth extraction, the dentist always prescribes pain relievers, antibiotics, and anti-inflammatory drugs. You should follow the dosage instructions on the prescription to help reduce pain, swelling, and prevent complications effectively.

Even if you feel that the medication is not having a clear effect, you should not change to a different antibiotic on your own. Contact your dentist for consultation before changing the medication.

Wisdom tooth extraction with facial swelling is no longer a worry with BeDental

The amount of pain and swelling after wisdom tooth extraction depends greatly on the tooth extraction technology and the expertise of the dentist. Therefore, you should seek reputable dental services to alleviate the fear of wisdom tooth extraction.

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BeDental has a team of experienced dentists in dealing with complex tooth extractions. With the support of the Piezotome ultrasonic tooth extraction machine, the process of extracting tooth number 8 is faster, safer, less painful, and less swollen.

After completing the extraction of tooth number 8, the dentist will provide direct advice on care and hygiene to prevent prolonged facial swelling after wisdom tooth extraction. Whenever you need consultation, BeDental’s hotline is always active 24/7 for timely remote consultations.

BeDental Dental Clinic

The article has helped you understand the causes of facial swelling after wisdom tooth extraction and when to see a doctor immediately. Hopefully, the pain relief methods shared in the article will be helpful to you. For more specific advice or to receive a price list for wisdom tooth extraction using the Piezotome machine, please contact BeDental for assistance.

Consult the price list for wisdom tooth extraction:


1. Tooth Extraction
(More detail...)
Deciduous tooth Extraction without anesthetic1 unit~ Free
Deciduous tooth Extraction with Anesthetic1 unit150.000
~ 6$
Front Tooth Extraction1 unit1.000.000
~ 39$
Premolar tooth Extraction1 unit1.500.000
~ 59$
Molar tooth Extraction1 unit2.000.000
~ 79$
Upper Wisdom Tooth Extraction1 unit1.500.000
~ 59$
Lower Wisdom Tooth Extraction Straight-grown1 unit2.000.000
~ 79$
Lower Wisdom Tooth Extraction non Straight-grown1 unit3.000.000
~ 118$
Lower Wisdom Tooth Extraction - Dificult1 unit4.000.000
~ 157$
Upper Wisdom Tooth Extraction with Piezotime1 unit2.000.000
~ 79$
Lower Wisdom Tooth Extraction Straight-grown with Piezotome1 unit3.500.000
~ 138$
Lower Wisdom Tooth Extraction Straight-grown with Piezotome - Dificult Case1 unit5.000.000
~ 196$
Lower Wisdom Tooth Extraction non Straight-grown with Piezotome1 unit4.500.000
~ 177$
Tooth abscess Treatment1 unit800.000
~ 31$
Tooth follicles treatment1 unit2.000.000
~ 79$
Gum contouring Surgery
(More detail...)
Gum contouring Surgery with Knife surgery1 unit500.000
~ 20$
Gum contouring Surgery with laser machine1 unit1.000.000
~ 39$
Gum contouring Surgery bone impacting1 jaw15.000.000 ~ 589$
3. Other Surgery




Address 1: 7B Thi Sach St, Ngo Thi Nham, Hai Ba Trung Dist, Ha Noi. - 0934.61.9090
Address 2: 343 Tay Son St, Nga Tu So Ward, Dong Da Dist, Ha Noi. (Nga Tu So Cross) - 0934.61.9090
Address 3: CC2 Tower  Nguyen Huu Tho St, Dinh Cong Ward, Hoang Mai Dist, Ha Noi. (Inside True Hope ) - 0934.61.9090
Address 1: 53 -55 -57  Pho Duc Chinh St, Nguyen Thai Binh, Dist. 1, Ho Chi Minh. - 0766.00.8080
Address2: 25, City Land urban area, Go Vap Dist, Ho Chi Minh - 0766.00.8080
Working: 9am - 6pm everyday

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